Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tour de Fat Update and ROLL CALL!

I will be volunteering to help set up Tour de Fat from 8:30am to 10:30am. I have asked Dawn to take over getting everyone coordinated at Paul & Nicole's and bike to Tempe Beach Park by 10:45am or so for the bike parade. If anyone is interested in volunteering, visit this link.

If you want to bike from Paul & Nicole's you should plan on being there at 10:15am. This is the route from Paul & Nicole's to Tempe Beach Park.

I will be attempting to make a Devo hat this weekend from red poster board. If it comes out ok, I'll post instructions. (Update, the poster board hat was a flop, I'm buying one from To further the costume idea I was thinking some of us could dress in the different stages of Devo. Sometimes they were all black. Sometimes white/black/red. And sometimes yellow.

ROLL CALL! Please indicate you are or aren't coming by posting a comment to that effect and if you'll be meeting at Paul & Nicole's or meeting at Tempe Beach Park.

Have you seen the weather forecast lately? Should be very nice for Tour de Fat, keep your fingers crossed.


Rhino said...

I will be at the PBR Offroad TRI the same morning. Don't know our TdF plans as of yet. Depending how fast I race.

Try Foam Core board that we used in arch design class. You can hold it together with pins and hot glue it. Score the first layer paper to make the curves. Good Luck.

Unknown said...

I am going to be using foam core to make my hat this weekend, I will give updates on how it works out.
I am not missing the parade again! I will be leaving my house at 10:15 sharp, so please people, try to be on time, the parade won't wait around for us :)


Everybody best be on time! We are leaving the house and heading to the park at 10:30 sharp!

Anonymous said...

I think Jenn and I will be there. Sounds like fun!

Morgan said...

I googled how to make the hat and this was the 1st result on page two! ha ha ha!
I'll be there but still need to make my hat... Time to get creative!