Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tour de Fat Update and ROLL CALL!

I will be volunteering to help set up Tour de Fat from 8:30am to 10:30am. I have asked Dawn to take over getting everyone coordinated at Paul & Nicole's and bike to Tempe Beach Park by 10:45am or so for the bike parade. If anyone is interested in volunteering, visit this link.

If you want to bike from Paul & Nicole's you should plan on being there at 10:15am. This is the route from Paul & Nicole's to Tempe Beach Park.

I will be attempting to make a Devo hat this weekend from red poster board. If it comes out ok, I'll post instructions. (Update, the poster board hat was a flop, I'm buying one from To further the costume idea I was thinking some of us could dress in the different stages of Devo. Sometimes they were all black. Sometimes white/black/red. And sometimes yellow.

ROLL CALL! Please indicate you are or aren't coming by posting a comment to that effect and if you'll be meeting at Paul & Nicole's or meeting at Tempe Beach Park.

Have you seen the weather forecast lately? Should be very nice for Tour de Fat, keep your fingers crossed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fall / Winter Activities

A letter from your local "Get Outdoors And Do Some Fun Shit" coordinator...

a) Tour de Fat, Oct 13th, Tempe Town Lake. (Bikes and Beers festival) A few of us have talked about costume ideas, and the need to keep the costume easy and cool (temperature-wise) has resulted in a tentative choice for getting everyone to dress up like Devo. You know, the band that sings Whip It. We're going to make some Devo hats (the Power/Energy Dome as they call it). Other than that, all we need to do is wear all black (t-shirt and shorts) or black shorts & white t-shirt and a red turtle neck (just the neck part). These photos will give you some idea of what we're supposed to look like. I think 10+ of us rolling down the road, whipping it good, will look awesome.

The tentative plan for the ride to/from is from Paul & Nicole's house at the southeast corner of Beck & Laird (Univ/Beck). It's 1149 W. Laird Tempe AZ. Meet at 10:15am and bike to Tempe Town Lake to register for bike parade starting at 10:30am. While it's up to you (I would personally say it's not optional) you might want to buy a rear red blinkie light and a front white light for your bicycle as it's a law after dark. Something like this would suffice and is less than $15.

b) Thanksgiving Weekend Camping. Is anyone interested in skipping traditional Thanksgiving and going camping for the long weekend instead? Please email me if you are. I have a turkey fryer and was thinking we could fry a turkey or even individual cornish game hens while camping.

c) Cool Weather Activities. As you may know from last year, cool weather marks the return of Sunday Croquet/Bocce in the park (Indian Bend Park). Also, I'd like to do a big park party @ Kiwanis Park with beer permit and also get some sand Volleyball going. Stay tuned for more. Scottie/Rebeca, you guys going to fire up weekly volleyball again this fall?

d) Camp Halloween. Traditionally I have a pumpkin carving party around Halloween. I am considering turning this into backyard camping party so nobody has to drive afterwards. My backyard is big enough to accommodate a bunch of tents and the weather should be beautiful for sleeping outside. Yes, there will be a campfire and s'mores. Tentatively Nov 3rd.

e) Bike4Beers. While it's technically possible to get a DUI on a bicycle, unless you're completely trashed and can't obey bicycle traffic laws, it's not likely to happen. That being said, I want to put together a bike for beers at some point this fall. Probably mid November.

f) This is a long f)ing email. In the future I plan on doing one or both of the following. Start a blog and pre-post stuff so you can read it at your leisure. The other involves cellphone participation using It's text message based and allows you to "follow" someone's short message postings to twitter. For example, I, or someone else subscribed could text to Twitter's website "Croquet in the park this Sunday, 4pm" and everyone following that user's account on Twitter would receive a text on their phone with that message. For things with short notice it's a pain to email/call everyone, and hope they got an email, or even manually text message everyone. Twitter is pretty cool. Check it out and if you want to follow me go to

Kickball Basics

First, remember that Kickball is about having fun and being a big kid. So if you're not having fun there's a problem. Below are some basic tips and strategies.

The strike zone is 1 foot to either side, or 1 foot above the plate. Balls outside or bouncing higher than 1 foot are balls.

When you kick the ball your plant foot (non kicking foot) must be behind the front edge of home plate but in front of the cones. Kicks behind the cones or in front of the plate are foul balls and if caught, result in an out.

Keep the ball on the ground when kicking if possible. Kicking with the top or side of your foot instead of your toes helps.

ALWAYS RUN LIKE HELL TO 1st base. You are allowed to overrun 1st base and cannot be tagged out for not being on the base unless you turned slightly to 2nd at which point the ref can call intent to run to 2nd.

Do not overrun 2nd or 3rd as you can be tagged out if at any time your foot is not on the base.

Bunting is a good strategy to get runners on 1st and 2nd. Bunting with a runner on 3rd is a bad idea. If there are runners on 1st and 2nd and NO outs a sacrifice bunt TOWARDS 1st will get those runners to 2nd and 3rd. Otherwise, bunting is not a good idea with runners on 1st and 2nd. Just kick away!

With a runner on 1st, your best bet is to kick it to left field between 2nd/3rd.

With a runner on 1st and 2nd kick towards right field between 1st/2nd. This gives the runner at 2nd a chance to get to 3rd and possibly score.

On a ball that is kicked high (pop up or fly ball), do not run to the next base (unless there are 2 outs) until the ball is touched and dropped, or caught. If you run immediately and the ball is caught you would have to return to the base you just left and possibly be tagged out. Let's say a ball is kicked deep into right field and a runner is on 3rd. As soon as someone touches and drops or even catches the ball, the 3rd base runner can run home.

If there are 2 outs, RUN ON ANY KICK, you have nothing to lose.

Fielding: CALL YOUR CATCHES! Outfield should play deep if in doubt. It's easier to run IN on a ball than chase one OUT into the field. Back eachother up outfielders! Outfield should back up folks working the bases to stop overthrows.

Listen to base coaches at 1st and 3rd telling you to stay/hold or run.

Sacrifice fly. With a fast runner on 3rd and 0 or 1 outs, a deep fly ball can get that runner home because the person on 3rd can run home as soon as the ball is touched/caught.

Throwing: Take the extra few seconds to get a steady stance and make a GOOD throw. It's much better to hold a runner at 2nd with a good throw as opposed to making a wild over-throw and that runner getting to 3rd or even home.

When fielding, ALWAYS get the ball to the pitcher as soon as possible. Play stops when the pitcher has the ball and runners must hold their bases.

Anything I missed? Post a comment.